{ Text Block: }

There are some more elements included in the TransVision theme besides those mentioned in the previous sections.

  • Twitter Feed — for the sidebar widget example, see Blog List Layout page
  • Image Grid
  • Flickr Photostream — for the sidebar widget example, see Blog List Layout page
  • Round Thumbnails
  • Default and Round images with optional background elements
  • Dot Leaders

{ Text Block: }

Twitter Feed — tweet boxes

{ Twitter Feed. Username: wordpress. Tweets: 3 }

{ Text Block: }

Twitter Feed — inside the wrapper

{ Twitter Feed. Username: envato. Tweets: 2 }

{ Twitter Feed. Username: envato. Tweets: 2 }

{ Twitter Feed. Username: envato. Tweets: 2 }

{ Text Block: }

Image Grid

Instagram photos

{ Image Grid. Images (5) }

{ Text Block: }

Image Grid

{ Image Grid. Images (6): 72, 79, 71, 73, 74, 78 }

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Flickr Photostream

{ Flickr Photostream (10). Flickr ID: 72157622590393532. Type: set }

{ Text Block: }

Round Thumbnails

{ Round Thumbnails. Images (3): 72, 79, 73 }

Picture 2

Picture 9

Picture 3

{ Single Image: 86 }

Man In Glasses

{ Text Block: }

Round Image

with dashed curve as background

The dashed curve as background element for an image (can be .img-dashed-curve-left or .img-dashed-curve-right).

{ Single Image: 105 }

Girl Workplace

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Default Image

with geometric background

The geometric figures as background element for an image (can be .img-geometric-bg-left or .img-geometric-bg-right).

  • Create vision & strategy for your leadership
  • Develop your own leadership style
  • Inspire and manage your team
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Improve your influencing skills

{ Single Image: 79 }

Picture 9

{ Text Block: }

Round Image

with dashed curve + geometric background

  1. Round image
  2. Dashed curve background:
    • img-dashed-curve-left
    • img-dashed-curve-right
  3. Geometric figures background:
    • img-geometric-bg-left
    • img-geometric-bg-right

{ Text Block: }

Dot Leaders

Workshop Fees — your clients costs (based on 10 participants):

{ Dot Leaders (6): }

Your fee
$100 per hour

Workshop length
8 hours *(1 day)*

Hotel room hire

$5 per person


Workshop material (printing cost)
$2 per participant

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Work @transvisioncoaching

Follow us on instagram

{ Image Grid. Images (4) }