{ Text Block: }

The Magnific Popup script is implemented in the theme for displaying content in a lightbox overlay.

The plugin is set up to display the following objects in lightbox:

  • single image
  • single YouTube video
  • single Vimeo video
  • group of images/videos (gallery, image slider)
  • staff member profile (in popup window)

{ Text Block: }

Default image

{ Single Image: 71 }

Picture 1
Life Coaching

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Round image

{ Single Image: 73 }

Picture 3
Career Coaching

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

YouTube video

{ Single Image: 79 }

Picture 9
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8Rid73Cc6o
Business Consulting

{ Text Block: }

Vimeo video

{ Single Image: 77 }

Picture 7
Video URL: http://vimeo.com/6794856
Video in lightbox

{ Text Block: }

Image gallery

{ Gallery. Images (6): 71, 80, 72, 74, 76, 75 }

{ Solid Divider Line }

{ Text Block: }

Video preview

{ Single Image: 77 }

Picture 7
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8Rid73Cc6o
Business Consulting

{ Text Block: }

Image slider

{ Image Slider. Images (3): 89, 84, 100 }

RoomComfortable work space

CottageBeautiful countryside location

OfficeCoaching session

{ Blank Space }