{ Text Block: }

Info Box is a universal wrapper element for placing text, image, button etc. in a separated area with a different background.

Besides the standalone usage, the Info Box element is also the core part of the following elements:

  • Info Box widget
  • Featured Article widget

See below all the options available for Info Box.

{ Dotted Divider Line }

{ Text Block: }

Info Box with image

default background + shadow

{ Info Box: }

Image: 56

Paul Smart

Coaching offers a way forward, so you can start transforming your life and turn your dreams into reality.Paul Smart, the Founder of TransVision Coaching

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Info Box

pinstriped background + shadow + info sign

{ Info Box: }

Benefits of Coaching

A coaching session allows you to step “out” of your career and life and work “on” them instead. Our sessions will provide the following benefits:

  • A creative space for you to speak your inner thoughts out loud, and to explore the matters that are critical for you to resolve
  • An opportunity to develop your own goals, solutions and strategies
  • A chance to be listened to without bias or agenda
  • A place to receive feedback and constructive challenges

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Info Box with image

pinstriped background + shadow

{ Info Box: }

Image: 90


Are we a good fit?

Coaching has to be personal to be effective. I suggest that we have quick call first to discuss your requirements. If we both think that we could be a good match, then I would invite you to attend a 90 min free Initial Consultation, face to face or over Skype.

Download the Coaching Agreement

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Info Box

pale background + shadow + info sign

{ Info Box: }

Coaches usually don’t give advice or tell you what to do. They try to help you find what feels right for you by helping you reveal the answers to yourself through discussion, suggestions, brainstorming and reflection.

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Info Box with blockquote

pale background + quote sign

{ Info Box: }

99% of clients are “somewhat” or “very satisfied” with the overall coaching experience and 96% of clients would repeat the process.ICF Global Coaching Client Study, April 2009

The top two motivations for seeking coaching services are self-esteem/self-confidence (79% rated as very or somewhat important) and work/life balance (76%).ICF Global Coaching Client Study, April 2009

On average, clients reported paying an hourly rate of $171 USD and a total for the engagement of $4,353 USD.ICF Global Coaching Client Study, April 2009

{ Blank Space }

{ Info Box: }

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.Mark Twain, American Humorist and Author

{ Blank Space }