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I’m Paul Smart.

Leading life coach, mentor and consultant.

I work with people who want to create and achieve the life, career or business that they want. I specialize in helping people just like you overcome the obstacles keeping them from accomplishing their goals and dreams.

Most of those people are now beyond the mental blocks that were holding them back from living well each day.

Learn more about me

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What Can Life Coaching Help You With?

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Making Changes

Untie knots that are holding you back, get over fears and break free from old patters, job, habits…

Fulfilling Potentials

Overcome roadblocks and accomplish goals, refocus, get organized and DO IT!

Finding Balance

Maybe the most important thing so that you breathe, relax and become content with the world.

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A life coach is a professional who helps you reach a goal or make a change in your life.

Learn about coaching

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What I Can Do For You

I can work with you in a wide range of areas, and will help you to create positive and permanent shifts in your life.

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Life Coaching

  • Create a grand vision for your life; set inspiring goals.
  • Balance work with other areas in your life. Have fun!
  • Manage stress & anxiety.
  • Improve your wellbeing & relationships.
  • Live with purpose and direction.

Learn more

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Leadership Developement

  • Create vision & strategy for your leadership; develop your own leadership style.
  • Improve your communication & influencing skills; increase your confidence.
  • Work more efficiently and effectively; inspire your team.

Learn more

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Career Coaching

  • Find a new job.
  • Change your career.
  • Set up your own business.
  • Increase your visibility and personal brand.

Learn more

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Why Coach With Me

Trust: it’s repeatedly the #1 reason my clients give for working with me.

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Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6lHh1DXEv8
Why Coach With Me

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And having coached scores of high-achieving professionals to new levels of performance, I know that trust is the foundation of the deep coaching connection that leads to (your) extraordinary results. It’s my mission to inspire impossibility at the pivotal moments. Because coaching is about making the impossible, possible.

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Some of the kind words from my clients:

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Start working with me