Just. Be. Just. Flow.

Akos Szarka

creator of ElementsFlow program
yoga teacher, spiritual teacher


…doesn’t start with the sentence that I have been interested in moving and sports since my childhood. In fact, I caused a lot of headaches to my parents with the question, how could they persuade me to do sports. After 1-2 months I stopped doing every sport. Of course, I read and learned a lot of things about a healthy lifestyle. So that, for the „greatest pleasure” to my family I stopped eating this and that.

Of course, this wasn’t so easy considering that I grew up in a village. All in all, against my will, I gave a great topic to my family every Sunday lunch. In my childhood, I have been reciting and acting for a long time. With these activities I was able to practice diction, moving, focus, and how to be present on the stage for years.

I started to focus on aware moving during my studies at the University. One day, I went to my first yoga class. As I really enjoyed it, I made a decision to do the yoga regularly. At the first times, I felt those parts of my body, that I didn’t even know existed. But even this couldn’t discourage me. After the third class, my master at that time came to me and asked a few questions. At the end of our conversation, he persuaded me to join the yoga teacher training which was starting at the end of that month. This was one of the most decisive decisions in my life. In the next 8 months, I have gained such experiences, that gave a brand new direction to my life. I am endlessly grateful for that period too.

After my studies, a really big change, and moving followed. A new city, a new life. I finished the spine-yoga, astánga, and flow teacher training. Life has always led me into new situations. So that, I could learn and experience a lot, for which I’m also grateful. The time has come for me not only to learn but to pass on my knowledge, whether it be adults or children. Yes, exactly because for me life is a big game. I convey this view to all souls who cannot look beyond the illusions of their own self-generated problems.

No more words!

Let’s flow!