Just. Be. Just. Flow.

ElementsFlow program and lifestyle

awareness. movement. breathing. energy. elements. oneness with ourselves.

Become an ElementsYogi!

ELEMENTSFLOW is more than yoga, a sense of life: knowledge of our whole being, a way of thinking about the world and life. It’s a yoga-based, specially compiled series of exercises that helps you to harmonize your physical and energy bodies!

The ELEMENTSFLOW online program can fit in your everyday schedule if you have about 1,5 hours per day or even just 10-20 minutes for your practice. The movements and exercises are based on the five ancient elements’ knowledge. By exercising ELEMENTSFLOW you can learn how to flow with the elements.

During practicing ElementsFlow you shall focus on the sensations that appear from inside and not on the forms of exercises! This program is much more about unlocking the inner or even outer blocks than about developing the physical body. It should be considered as a positive side effect. ElementsFlow works the best way when it becomes a meditation in movement. Humble and focused exercise is needed for that!

Find the ancient 5 elements within you and cooperate with them!

Akos Szarka

creator of ElementsFlow program, yoga teacher, spiritual teacher


I’m lucky because I’ve had the opportunity to develop myself in several areas at the same time. Thanks to that, I can help others to find their way, with integrated knowledge.

The importance of body awareness has always been part of my life. Through various yoga orientations and other systems, I was able to acquire the necessary anatomical and energetic knowledge. In addition, I became acquainted with the world of minerals, crystals and essential oils. Respecting the ancient elements and working with them also contributes to my balanced everyday life.

Step onto the path of experience!


You can adapt your practice to your own needs

The modules can be combined, according to what you need.

State of Flow – moving becomes a meditation

Can be achieved with persistent, humble, patient and focused practice!

Life is a continuous development and change

It encourages us to the integration of knowledge which is gained through experience.

Nature’s powers’ and elements’ respect

Because we know, that we are one with everything.

Followers of ELEMENTSFLOW lifestyle don’t “just” exercise a form of movement. ElementsYogis move together with nature, with the elements. We represent the value of life.

It’s important that ELEMENTSFLOW doesn’t dogmatize, never forbids anything. Respecting the free will, it turns to all sentient beings in full acceptance. ElementsYogis believe in the path of conscious experience and learning in it. It’s counted as a cornerstone. This is how we achieve full experience, the present moment, so the state of flow.

Before you start

Important information about ElementsFlow program

For your own benefit, I would give you some important guidelines for exercising:

– Respect the limits of your physical body. If you want to cross them by force, it will be much more dangerous in the long run, than if you are aware and allow them to push themselves away. It’s worthy to apply the offered facilitations, if you feel so.

– If you have any health problems, especially if your cardiovascular, or spine problems, then you must consult with your doctor first! Talk to me too before you’d jump in the exercising.

– The ElementsFlow program gives your flow the freedom to compile your exercise’s own sequel or even it’s intensity by listening to your inner sensations. Of course at the beginning of the videos I make a short brief about the actual element’s effects on your life. I also tell you, where to focus during the exercise. Advices for the sequel order are given there too. The final aim and the whole harmonical exercise is when you do all the modules in sequel order and in total flow. However, the Warm up and the Ending sequence together can create a complete exercise if you don’t have approximately 1,5 hour for your practice regularly. Between these two you can work with any of the elements. The Connection-meditation is suggested to be practiced after the Ending sequence or separately as well.

– Be patient with yourself and with your body!

– Be persistent and humble in your practice!

– Still practice with playful ease always!

– If you have any other question, feel free to contact me via Facebook, Instagram, or email.

– Just. Be. Just. Flow. 🙂

Experience the ElementsFlow!

Help yourself into a much more harmonious, balanced, higher quality of life!


Experience oneness with your own body and soul to be in complete harmony with the five elements and the world that they build up!


Put even more emphasis on breathing exercises to achieve a much more effective meditative state!


Practice life’s constant change in ELEMENTSFLOW! This is how you can flow in the existence of the moment.